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mental Diseases
January 15, 2020
Cleft lip and cleft palate

Cleft lip and palate is one of the most common birth defects in newborns. These gaps occur when components of the developing fetus are not fully closed. They are distinct from birth defects and are often due to genetic conditions or hereditary syndromes. These congenital cases are surgically treatable and their complications can be prevented by timely treatment.

The baby's lips are torn or closed, is named Cleft Lip and the mouth's cleft palate torn is called the cleft palate. These things affect one's beauty and can cause some mental problems in the future if left untreated. The cleft lip and palate are usually diagnosed immediately at birth. The cleft palate, like the lip cleft, does not affect the appearance, but the most common cleft occurs only in the palate muscles behind the mouth. This type of cleft is often not detectable at birth and may not be detectable until these symptoms develop.

Reasons for cleft palate and lip cleft

Lip and palate clefts occur when the tissues of the baby's face and mouth do not fuse properly. The tissues that make up the lips and palate usually fuse in the second and third months of pregnancy, but in infants who have cleft lip and palate they never fuse or only partially fuse, but researchers believe environmental, genetic and Inheritance can be effective in this problem. Folic Acid Deficiency in Pregnant Mothers, Some Medications, Cigarette Smoking, Alcohol, Some Pregnant Diseases, Older Parents, and Stress during Pregnancy are Factors That Causes Cleft palate And it's unknown.

Side effects of cleft palate and lip

Cleft lip and palate can cause parents and infants different problems, of course depending on the type and severity of the cleft. Some of these effects can be as follows: Nutrition Problems: One of the main concerns after birth is the nutrition of the baby. Babies who have complete cleft lip and cleft palate are not able to get breastmilk or regular breast milk. In this case, they should use special nipples and remember that breastfeeding is important for these children. Ear infections and hearing loss: Babies with cleft palate are more at risk of hearing loss and hearing loss than those with cleft lip, as more fluid builds up in their middle ear and may decrease if they are left untreated. To be heard. To prevent this disorder, special tubes are usually used to drain the fluid and their hearing will be reviewed annually by a physician.

Speech problems: Children with cleft palate and lip can have difficulty speaking. The voice of these children is not well conveyed, and their sound may be gloomy and incomprehensible. Not all children have this problem, of course, and some speech problems are completely resolved by surgery, but some require additional actions, such as repeated exercises with speech therapists and even subsequent surgeries.

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