We are always available in your service

Sama Medical Tourism facilitates the world class Medical Tourism and ideal healthcare services. One the pre arrival process done, we book the hotel for you according to your budget and everything else you might need here that you are not troubled by any means in any situation. In hospital we will arrange specialists, attendants, nurses, convenience, and transport to get around the place.
We also assure that we will be available for you 24×7 anytime the way you will feel at home away from home.

Upon Arrival Services
Warm welcome at the airport by our representative
Welcome kit at airport (Contains First Aid and instructions)
Airport transfer assistance
Providing language interpreters
Foreign Exchange, providing SIM card for free
Pre and Post-procedure assistance
Updates for relatives back at home
Special food requirements/religious needs
Wellness and rejuvenation services
Shopping guide and support
Leisure trips

Post-Return Services
Support in next follows up trip (If required)
Assistance in the recovery period
Consultation with the treating doctor and recommendation the best plan for a healthy life

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