
Course of treatment Rhinoplasty surgery

Although nasal cosmetic surgery takes less than 2 hours, the time required to get rid of the complications of this procedure will be much longer. Although nasal surgery is a common practice, it should never be taken lightly and should not be neglected. In fact, the patient needs to take weeks to prepare for this operation before the outcome of the surgery is favored and the patient's recovery steps faster. Here are some tips that patients should consider before performing a nasal cosmetic surgery. However, anyone planning a nose surgery should consult their physician prior to surgery and follow the procedure before surgery.
In general, some of the important steps that need to be taken before nose surgery are as follows:
Research your surgeon's doctor
Talk to a counselor
Improve your diet and lifestyle
Plan for your post-operative care
Have a plan for the length of treatment and postoperative recovery

How to choose and meet with a surgeon

Surely choosing a doctor who is going to have a nose surgery for you will have a huge impact on your overall satisfaction with the outcome of your nose surgery. When consulting a physician who is likely to undergo your cosmetic surgery, you should be sure of its validity and review its history. In reviewing previous records of surgeries performed by your physician, be sure to review and evaluate patients' pre and post operative photographs. You also need to examine the capabilities and skills of the staff you are about to dream of in a different way. This will help you make sure your doctor is able to meet your aesthetic requirements while also providing your physical health and safety.
In addition, you should talk to your doctor about the ideal appearance you are looking for. This advice will help you and your surgeon both go through the surgery with a clear vision and have realistic expectations of the outcome. When consulting for surgery, your surgeon will usually take pictures of your nose and examine its shape and shape. The doctor will also review your medical records during this consultation and tell you whether you are a good candidate for a nasal cosmetic surgery.

Postoperative nose care, Changing habits and diets

In the weeks before surgery, it is important to prepare your body for the changes that are likely to occur. The healthier you are before surgery, the quicker and easier the post-operative recovery process will be for you. The changes that most surgeons will recommend to you before surgery are:
Avoid aspirin and other medicines that dilute your blood
Never drink alcohol
Stop smoking
Increase your intake of vitamins C and E as well as iron. These supplements can be very effective in healing wounds from surgery
Tell your surgeon even the mildest of your illnesses
Eat light meals for pre-surgery meals

Planning for the actions after a nasal cosmetic surgery

In addition to preparing for the day of surgery, it is important for the patient to be prepared for the day after surgery. If appropriate action is taken beforehand, the patient will be best served in the most comfortable post-operative recovery. Here are some steps that will help the patient recover easily after surgery.
If possible, arrange for all renovations of your premises to be performed with complete caution in the first 48 hours after surgery.
Always use transport vehicles to provide complete security
Plan to give up work for at least two weeks
Make ice compresses to reduce swelling around the nose
Do your hard work before surgery

Day of surgery

The surgeon will prepare you for the operation before giving you information about the procedure and its procedure. The final steps you need to take are as follows:
Rinse your face thoroughly to minimize the amount of bacteria on your skin
After midnight the last night before surgery, do not eat or drink anything
Do not use any cosmetics to trim your hair and hair
The night before surgery, sleep well
In addition to the procedures outlined above, each patient has unique needs that he or she should consult with their surgeon prior to performing a rhinoplasty. Feeling confident about the success of surgery is a factor as important as the actions we have mentioned so far. Therefore, it is best to eliminate all your concerns about surgery before asking your surgeon your questions. Being fully prepared to reverse the process of facial deformity will increase the chance of having a successful and safe surgery and will help you recover quickly and easily afterwards.
It cannot be denied that cosmetic nose surgery may not be suitable for some people, but you have to be patient to see the results of cosmetic surgery. The usual time to recover from nasal surgery is about two weeks. Since the aesthetic practice of the nose makes significant changes to the bone and cartilage of the nose, the body needs considerable time to adapt to these changes. You should keep in mind that recovery time and recovery time after nose surgery will vary from person to person and will depend on many factors. These factors include:
The rate of nasal changes in surgery
Quality of post-operative care
General health of the patient before surgery

Postoperative care of Rhinoplasty surgery

After surgery, the surgeon will fully explain to the patient the appropriate postoperative instructions. Since nose surgery is one of the most complex facial plastic surgeries, the success of this procedure is highly dependent on following the procedure. It is best for a patient's friend or relative to have direct responsibility for handling the patient's postoperative care. Care instructions following nasal surgery will help reduce the pain of surgery at the time of recovery. These include the following:

Avoid dehydration
Use ice compresses to reduce swelling due to surgery
Rest as far as possible
Avoid strenuous activities and exercise

The first 48 hours after surgery

For many patients, the first 24 hours after surgery is the most difficult period of recovery and recovery after surgery. During this time, there may be complications from anesthesia and conditions may be slightly intolerable to the patient. Your surgeon can help you manage some of your pain with the help of painkillers. However, sometimes the pain of the operation is so superficial that it can be controlled with simple painkillers. Among the problems that the patient may encounter during the initial postoperative recovery period are the following:

Facial bruises
nose bleeding
In the first 24 hours after nasal cosmetic surgery, it is advisable for the patient to stay in bed all the time so that his head is above his body. The patient may feel severe scaling of the facial skin as well as pain in the nose and severe headaches. Bleeding is also very common after nose surgery, especially in the first 48 hours after surgery. It is important to prevent any damage to the nose during the recovery of the nose after surgery. Nasal trauma can have a profound effect on the outcome of surgery.

Improve patient health after the first week

In your first week follow-up appointment as prescribed by your doctor, the surgeon will evaluate your progress. If the nose is properly shaped after this time, the doctor will remove the primary dressing and sutures from the nose. After this time, the bruise on the face will decrease and the swelling will be very low.
Many patients will be able to return to work after a week of nasal surgery and resume their normal life. However, patients should exercise caution and avoid strenuous physical activity. Patients should never exercise or lift heavy objects in the first two weeks after surgery. Also, during the first eight weeks, you should not engage in activities that are likely to hit your nose. In addition, nosebleeds can damage the nose in the first few days after air travel surgery. It is therefore advisable not to use the aircraft for your trips during this time.
For many patients, the benefits of nasal surgery over time will outweigh the difficulties. Many side effects of nasal cosmetic surgery will last for only the first two weeks and will disappear during the post-operative recovery period. However, it should be noted that in some cases partial nasal swelling after surgery may persist even for several months after surgery and the end result of surgery may be determined one year after surgery.

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